6. Important Questions of Child Development and Pedagogy for CTET and Other TET exams(with Answers and Explanation)

Important Questions of Child Development and Pedagogy for CTET and Other TET exams(with Answers and Explanation)

Child Development and Pedagogy is one of the important sections of CTET (Paper 1 and Paper 2) and many candidates often feel difficulty in this section. Experts suggest that candidates should prepare this section more to get 120+ scores. Here, we have provided questions of Child Development and Pedagogy (with answers and explanation) for CTET and other TET exams.

Practice Set- 6

Question No. 1

Science and art exhibitions, music and dance shows, and bringing out school magazines are meant to

(1) establish a name for the school

(2) satisfy parents

(3) provide a creative channel for learners

(4) train students for various professions

Answer– (3)

Explanation– Science and art exhibitions, music and dance shows and bring out school magazines are platforms where children can display their creativity.

Question No. 2

When a child learns the name of an animal as dog, he / she starts referring to all four – legged animals as dogs. What is this called?

(1) Schema

(2) Accommodation

(3) Adaptation

(4) Assimilation


Explanation– In a simulation new information is incorporated in the existing ideas. Our mentally guided behaviours or schemas, are modified as we take in more new information or experiences.

Question No. 3

A teacher normally assigns different tasks to students. He / She believes that

(1) students do not like assigning of the same work to all of them

(2) it promotes competition among students

(3) there are individual differences among students

(4) students will not be able to copy each other’s work

Answer– (3)

Explanation– A teacher should understand the principle of individual differences. A teachers should be a good observer so that he/she can understand about the learning abilities of his her class and assign tasks accordingly.

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Question No. 4

Which of the following is the most appropriate activity for gifted students?

(1) Solve exercises given at the end of five chapters at one go.

(2) Teach them by taking extra classes.

(3) Write a report on a school match recently held.

(4) Write an original play on given concepts.

Answer– (4)

Explanation– A teacher should provide maximum opportunities to gifted children to express their thoughts in their own words. This is because gifted learners enjoy a self-directed learning.

Question No. 5

While appearing in an assessment, Devika finds her arousal as energising, whereas Rajesh finds his arousal as discouraging. Their emotional experiences are most likely to differ with respect to

(1) the duration of time

(2) the extremity of emotion

(3) the level of adaptation

(4) the intensity of thought


Explanation– Very emotional experiences are most likely to differ with respect to the level of adaptation. Devika’s level of adaptation seems better than that of Rajesh as per the given situation.

Question No. 6

Heredity is considered a ________ social structure.

(1) primary

(2) secondary

(3) dynamic social structure.

(4) word phobia


Explanation– It is a phenomenon that cannot be changed. It is static in social structure.

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Question No. 7

A motor speech disorder that affects speech is called

(1) apraxia

(2) aphasia

(3) dysphonia

(4) whord phobia

Answer– (1)

Explanation– Apraxia is a disorder characterized by the inability to make certain movements and perform certain tasks.

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Question No. 8

According to Gardener’s theory of multiple intelligences, the factor that would contribute most to being a ‘self-aware’ individual may be

(1) musical

(2) spiritual

(3) linguistic

(4) intrapersonal


Explanation– Being intrapersonal is making oneself aware about what is existing or occurring with an individual in terms of dealing values beliefs and thinking processes.

Question No. 9

Autism includes

(1) visual impairment

(2) hyperactivity

(3) retarded physical growth

(4) inability to relate to others

Answer– (4)

Explanation– Autism is a disorder related to brain development. In autism, learners face difficulty in verbal and nonverbal communication during social interaction.

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Question No. 10

In a learner-centered classroom, the teacher would

(1) encourage the children to compete with each other for marks to facilitate learning

(2) demonstrate what she expects her students to do and then give them guidelines to learning

(3) employ such methods by which the learners are encouraged to take initiative for their own learning

(4) use the lecture method to explain key facts and then assess the learners for their attentiveness.

Answer– (3)

Explanation– A learner-centered classroom encourages students to work hard. It reflects on what they are learning and how they are learning it. This motivates them by giving them control over learning processes.

Question No. 11

The following skills are involved in emotional intelligence, except

(1) awareness of emotions

(2) management of emotions

(3) criticism of emotions

(4) amicable relation with class fellows.


Explanation– Criticism of emotions is not a part of emotional intelligence. Emotional Intelligence is the ability to understand emotions and regulate them in a positive way, which helps in clear communication expression and enter dependability.

Question No. 12

At the _______ stage, a child starts realizing his / her actual abilities and compares them with others’ skills.

(1) preschool

(2) primary school

(3) secondary school

(4) middle adulthood

Answer– (2)

Explanation– During primary school children become more familiar with their actual abilities as they start comparing their skills with others.

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Question No. 13

Girls learn from their family about how to be a good daughter, sister, friend, wife and mother. This learning results from the process of

(1) change

(2) maturity

(3) socialization

(4) adaptability

Answer– (3)

Explanation– To socialization a child learns about once culture and its norms. He/She learns how to eat, behave, talk and dress up in the same manner as others do in his/her community.

Question No. 14

The scope of socialization of a child depends on

(1) environment

(2) excitement level

(3) physical development

(4) language development

Answer– (1)

Explanation– Socialization is a lifelong process of inheriting norms, customs and philosophies from the prevailing in environment. It provides an individual with the necessary skills and habits that help him/her get accustomed to the given social environment.

Question No. 14

Learned helplessness’ is a situation where in

(1) students feel that they are going to fail because of repeated failures in the past

(2) teachers feel that they are helpless in helping the learners learn

(3) the problem is related to gifted children who experience a feeling of saturation in their learning

(4) the learned scholars of society feel helplessness in the democratic polity

Answer– (1)

Explanation– Martin Seligman’s learned helplessness theory describes a depressing situation in which an individual learns that is getting negative circumstances will make known difference. The individual becomes passive in nature.

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