4. Important Questions of child Development and Pedagogy for CTET and other TET exams (with Answers and Explanation)

Important Questions of child Development and Pedagogy for CTET and other TET exams (with Answers and Explanation)

Child Development and Pedagogy is one of the important sections of CTET (Paper 1 and Paper 2) and many candidates often feel difficulty in this section. Experts suggest that candidates should prepare this section more to get 120+ scores. Here, we have provided questions of Child Development and Pedagogy (with Answers and explanation) for CTET and other TET exams.

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Question No. 1

When a teacher involves a visually challenged learner in a group activity with the other learners of the class, she is

(1) helping all the learners to develop sympathy towards the visually challenged learner

(2) likely to increase the level of stress. the visually challenged learner

(3) creating barriers to learning for the class

(4) acting according to the spirit of inclusive education


Explanation– In an inclusive classroom, all learners are treated equally.There is no discrimination among learners on the basis of learning disorders or difficulties. Involvement of usually challenged learners in group activities with the other learners of the class by the teacher is accordance with the spirit of inclusive education.

Question No.2

According to Kohlberg, children approach thinking about right and wrong

(1) differently at different ages

(2) in the same fashion at different stages

(3) as per the context

(4) as per the instructions given by parents


Explanation– According to kohlberg’s theory of moral reasoning, thinking about right and wrong it development upon how the learner views the context.

Question No. 3

Which of the following is a correct position in relation to the errors made by children?

(1) Native speakers of a language make errors, while non-native speakers make mistakes or slips.

(2) If correction is required, it should usually be done immediately.

(3) If correction is required, it should not always be done immediately.

(4) Immediate correction of errors results in positive reinforcement.


Explanation– A teacher should provide an opportunity to learners for understanding their errors and rectifying them.

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Question No.4

Knowledge of for a teacher dealing with a class comprising students of mixed age groups.

(1) cultural background

(2) developmental stages

(3) occupation of their parents

(4) socio-economic background


Explanation– The knowledge of developmental stages helps a teacher identify the level of understanding and difficulty of learning of his/her pupils. Many psychologists have provided child development theory; for example, Piaget’s 4 stage cognitive development theory is helpful in understanding the development stages of children.

Question No. 5

The most intense and crucial socialization takes place

(1) throughout the life of a person

(2) during adolescence

(3) during early childhood

(4) during adulthood


Explanation– During adolescence is child faces hormonal changes and peer pressure. Socialization in this period is intense and crucial.

Question No. 6

Cognitive apprenticeships and instructional conversations

(1) conceive learning as an ocial activity

(2) ) are based on application of inductive reasoning

(3) emphasize systematic organization of textual materials

(4) highlight the need of practical training to achieve efficiency


Explanation– The cognitive apprenticeships and instructional conversations conceive learning as a social activity because they consists of social interactions as an activity of instruction.

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Question No. 7

Which one of the following is correctly matched?

(1) Physical development – Environment

(2) Cognitive development – Maturation

(3) Social development – Environment

(4) Emotional development – Maturation


Explanation– the ecological theory of social development of humans was proposed by Uri Bronfenbrenner.

Question No. 8

There are three polio – affected children in a class. During the games period, they should be

(1) seated in a corner so that these children can enjoy the game

(2) encouraged to take part in the games appropriate for them with other children

(3) allowed to take part only in indoor games

(4) forced to play with all the students of the class


Explanation– Students with disabilities should be motivated and encouraged by their teachers and peers to take part in the games appropriate for them with other children. If a teacher has some free time, he or she should participate in the games with the learners, it will create a positive relation between the teacher and the pupil.

Question No. 9

A lot of debates surround whether girls and boys have specific sets of abilities due to their genetic materials. Which one of the following are you most likely to agree with in this context?

(1) Girls are socialized to be caring, while boys are discouraged to show emotions such as crying.

(2) After puberty, boys and girls cannot play with each other since their interests are completely opposite.

(3) All girls have inherent talent for arts, while boys are genetically programmed to be better at aggressive sports.

(4) Boys cannot be caring since they are born that way. the following


Explanation– Girls are socialized to be caring, while boys are discouraged to show emotions such as crying is a gender-biased thought of the society. Girls are considered to be more caring as they are quick in showing emotions then boys who are not accepted to act emotionally in front of others.

Question No. 10

Which of the following is most effective in preventing problem behavior in children?

(1) Making the problem child sit in the library the entire day

(2) Providing the problem child non – aggressive ways of handling conflicts

(3) Compelling the problem child to feel sorry for his / her behavior

(4) Ostracising the problem child in the class


Explanation– Providing a problem child in non aggressive ways of handling conflict is most effective in preventing problem behaviour in him/her. The teacher should follow a warm, supportive and assertive style for dealing with such children. The children should be made to understand that discussion compromised and adjustment are better tools to solve conflicts then aggression.

Question No. 11

According to Piaget, during the first stage of development (birth to about 2 years’ age), a child learns best by

(1) using senses

(2) comprehending neutral words

(3) thinking in an abstract fashion

( 4) Applying the newly acquired knowledge of language


Explanation– The sensorimotor stage of cognitive development lasts from a child’s birth to two years of his/her age. The behaviour of a child during this stage lacks an organised thought process. He/she learns using his/her senses.

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Question No. 12

At which stage does a child display object permanence?

(1) Formal operational stage

(2) Sensorimotor stage

(3) Preoperational stage

(4) Concrete operational stage


Explanation– Object permanence refers to the knowledge that an object exists even if it is not visible at the moment. This is the feature of sensorimotor stage of cognitive development.

Question No. 13

Learning disabilities are

(1) objective facts, and culture has no role in determining them

(2) synonymous to dyslexia

(3) also present in children with average or above average IQ

(4) not immutable irrespective of time and nature of interventions


Explanation– Learning disability is a neurological disorder that limits the brain’s ability to store and process information. Any child with a learning disability falls below his or her academic potential to significantly degree.

Question No. 14

A major difference between the perspectives of Vygotsky and Piaget pertains to

(1) their critique of behaviouristic principles

(2) the role of providing a nurturing environment to children

(3) their views about language and thought

(4) their conception of children as active constructors of knowledge


Explanation– Vygotsky and Piaget have both developed the theories of cognitive development, but their views about language and thought are quite different from each other. According to Vygotsky, internationalisation of language leads to cognitive development, but, according to Piaget language depends on thought for its development.

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Question No. 15

The extinction of a response is more difficult following

(1) partial reinforcement

(2) continuous reinforcement

(3) punishment

(4) verbal reproach

Answer– (1)

Explanation– Partial reinforcement is a process of aimlessly or randomly rewarding and organism for making a response.

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