7. Important Questions on Child Development and Pedagogy for CTET in Other TET Exams (with Answers and Explanation)

Important Questions on Child Development and Pedagogy for CTET in Other TET Exams (with Answers and Explanation)

Child Development and Pedagogy is one of the important sections of CTET (Paper 1 and Paper 2) and many candidates often feel difficulty in this section. Experts suggest that candidates should prepare this section more to get 120+ scores. Here, we have provided questions of Child Development and Pedagogy (with Answers and Explanation) for CTET and TET exams.

Practice Set- 7

Question No. 1

Through socialization, a child slowly develops his / her own self – identity related to

(1) ego

(2) nature

(3) personality

(4) attitude

Answer– (1)

Explanation– Developing an identity is important for children as it gives them a sense of who they are and what their souls are in the society. Self-identification also helps children in good social adjustment. Poor self- identification may create emotional and behavioural difficulties for children.

Question No. 2

Constructivism as a theory

(1) focuses on the role of imitation

(2) emphasizes the role of the learner in constructing his / her own view of the world

(3) emphasizes memorizing information and testing through recall

(4) emphasizes the dominant role of the teacher

Answer– (2)

Explanation– constructivism believes that learners are not a blank slate. They have their own ideas about the world. What a teacher can do is help devil of this idea by providing opportunities to the learner for the construction of knowledge.

Question No. 3

A child learns the self – concept of ‘I’ by the age of

(1) one

(2) two

(3) three

(4) four

Answer– (2)

Explanation– Through socialization, in child slowly developers his/her own self concept related to ego. He/she learns ‘I’ by the age of two and develops a sense of others persons as ‘you’ by the age of three.

Question No. 4

The presence of identical elements between already learned skills and new skills results in

(1) negative transfer

(2) positive transfer

(3) generalized transfer

(4) zero transfer


Explanation– The presence of identical elements between already learnt skills and new skills results in generalised transfer. Knowledge is interrelated and transferable on the basis of the identical content present in previous knowledge and current knowledge.

Question No. 5

Social relationships increase the social awareness of a child and build his / her

(1) self-identity

(2) culture

(3) friend circle

(4) official relationship


Explanation– Social development involved in knowledge culture and wisdom to children directly by their teachers and indirectly by their social relationships with friends and family. Such relationship increase the social awareness of a child and build his/her self identity.

Question No.6

Gifted students

(1) are generally physically weak and not good at social interaction

(2) generally do not like their teachers

(3) their full potential without any help

(4) perform exceptionally well in any field important to human hair

Answer– (4)

Explanation– According to Torrence, the child who is gifted and talented is one who shows and excellent performance in any area that is important to society.

Question No. 7

If a child is looking at a book, the parents may explain to him / her what is shown in the book. This helps assist their child in his / her parents _______ growth.

(1) mental

(2) physical

(3) cultural

(4) social


Explanation– Parents play an important role in assisting a child in his/her mental growth. For example, if a child is looking at a book, parents may explain him/her what is shown in the book. This will help in the growth of the child’s language as he or she becomes familiar with new words that are explained in the book.

Question No. 8

Which one of the following could be an end stage of a neeschild possessing bodily – kinaesthetic intelligence?

(1) Orator

(2) Political leader

(3) Surgeon

(4) Poet

Answer– (3)

Explanation– The bodily-kinesthetic Intelligence and enabels and individuals to manipulate objects and fine-tune physical skills. Surgeon dancers and athletes have well developed bodily-kinesthetic intelligence.

Question No. 9

The suggestibility of a child is usually than that of a grownup.

(1) more

(2) less inferior

(3) less

(4) more genuine


Explanation– The suggestibility of a child is usually more than that of a grown up as, in infancy is child does not consider the logical aspects of suggestions.

Question No. 10

Which of the following should be a right way for a teacher who intends to correct errors of his / her students?

(1) He / she must correct every error of his / her students even if it requires late sitting in the school.

(2) He / she should correct less – frequent errors more often than high – frequent and generality errors.

(3) He / she should correct errors that interfere with the general meaning and understandability.

(4) He / she should not correct errors if it irritates children.

Answer– (3)

Explanation– The correction of errors of a student through demonstration or correct examples is helpful for the students self-improvement. A teacher should correct errors that interfere with the general meaning and understandability, which helps the student express his/her thought or ideas in a meaningful way.

Question No. 11

Through ________, a child becomes sociable to several elements that he / she sees in surroundings.

(1) identification

(2) suggestion

(3) imitation

(4) language

Answer– (1)

Explanation– As a child grows , he/she becomes aware of different things, which are used to satisfy needs. Such things become an identification object for the child. Identification helps a child in becoming sociable to several elements that he/she surroundings.

Question No. 12

Socialization includes cultural transmission and

(1) discourages rebellion

(2) development of individual personality

(3) fits children into labels

(4) provides emotional support

Answer– (2)

Explanation– Socialization is a type of learning that occurs when a person interacts with others or we can put it as ‘socialization through human interaction’.

Question No. 13

Who gave the theory of cognitive development?

(1) Vygotsky

(2) Bloom

(3) Piaget

(4) William


Explanation– Piaget was the first psychologist to conduct that study of cognitive development. The development focuses on how children think and build concepts.

Question No. 14

The development of concepts is primarily a part of

(1) emotional developmentalist

(2) intellectual development

(3) physical development

(4) social development

Answer– (1)

Explanation– The development of concepts is primarily a part of emotional development. At the sensorimotor stage, weeping of a child is the primary show of emotion concept to represent hunger.

Question No. 15

Emotional catharsis’ means

(1) suppression of emotions

(2) feeling highly depressed

(3) bringing out emotional repression

(4) increasing the ability to tolerate emotional repression


Explanation– Aristotle defined catharsis as purging of the emotions. Emotional catharsis brings out emotional repression.

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