Name of inventions/discoveries | Discoverers & Inventors |
Systemic circulation of blood | William Harvey |
Observation of microorganisms | Antony van Leeuwenhoek |
Sex hormones | Eugen Stainak |
Simple microscope | Anton van Leeuwenhoek |
Stethoscope | René Laennec |
First test tube baby | Robert Edward and Patrick Steptoe |
Vaccination | Edward Jenner |
Vitamin | Casimir Funk |
CT scan | Godfrey Hounsfield & Allan Cormack |
DNA | Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins |
DNA Structure | James Watson and Francis Crick |
DNA Fingerprinting | Alec Jeffreys |
Electrocardiogram (ECG) | Willem Einthoven |
5 kingdom classification | R. H. Whittaker |
Genetic code | Marshall Nirenberg and Heinrich J. Matthaei |
Genetic drift | Sewall Wright |
Father of heart transplantation | Norman Shumway |
Heart transplantation first performed | Christiaan Barnard |
Hormone | William Bayliss |
Insulin | Frederick Banting and Charles H. Best |
Malaria Parasite | Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran |
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) | Damadian |
Open heart surgery | Dr. Daniel Hale Williams. And Dr. Daniel Williams |
Penicillin | Alexander Fleming |
Polio vaccine | Jonas Salk and a team |
Rh factor in human blood | Dr. Alexander S. Wiener and Karl Landsteiner |
Cancer | Hippocrates |
Blood group (ABO group) | Karl Landsteiner |
Binomial nomenclature | Carl Linnaeus |
Bacteria (& protozoa) | Van Leeuwenhoek |
Aspirin | Felix Hoffmann at Bayer in Germany |
Jarvik-7 (first artificial heart) | Willem Johan Kolff and Robert Jarvik |
Anthrax vaccine | Pasteur |
Amoeba | August Johann Rösel von Rosenhof |
Oxygen in respiration and photosynthesis | Joseph Priestley, Antoine Lavoisier and Jan Ingenhousz |
Animal electricity | Luigi Galvani |
Cell | Robert Hooke |
Cell Theory | Schleiden and Schwann |
Chromosomes | Hofmeister |
Chioroplast | Schimper |
Mitochondria | Kolliker |
Nucleus | Robert Brown |
Nucleoplasm | Strasburger |
Enzyme | Anselme Payen |
Mitosis | Walther Flemming |
Meiosis | Oscar Hertwig |
Mutations | Thomas Hunt Morgan and Lilian Vaughan Morgan |
Virus | Dmitri Ivanovsky & Martinus Beijerinck |