1. Important Questions of child Development for CTET and Other TET exams (with Answers and Explanation)

Important Questions of child Development for CTET and Other TET exams (with Answers and Explanation)

Child Development and Pedagogy is one of the important sections of CTET (Paper 1 and Paper 2) and many candidates often feel difficulty in this section. Experts suggest that candidates should prepare this section more. Here, we have provided questions of Child Development and Pedagogy (with Answers) for CTET and other Tet exams.

Practice Set- 1

Question No. 1

A student highlights the main points in a chapter, draws a visual representation and poses questions that arise in her mind at the end of the chapter. She is

(1) trying to regulate her own thinking by the organization of ideas

(2) trying to use the strategy of maintenance rehearsal

(3) ensuring observational learning

(4) trying to use the method of loci

Answere– (1)

Explanation– self-regulated learning helps in monitoring, directing and regulating one section which helps in acquiring information and self improvement.

Question No. 2

______ plays a significant role in the development of personality.

(1) Heredity

(2) Environment

(3) A blend of heredity and environment

(4) Number of examinations

Answere– (3)

Explanation– A blend of heredity and environment plays a significant role in the development of personality. For example, the average height of Indian males and females is less than that of American males and females.

Question No. 3

3. A teacher wants to ensure that her students are motivated intrinsically. She would

(1) specify uniform standards of achievement for all children

2) focus on the processes of learning of individual children rather than on the final outcome

(3) offer tangible rewards

(4) plan learning activities that encourage convergent thinking

Answere– (2)

Explanation– By challenging students to come up with solutions to problems, encouraging creative ways to accomplish tasks and planning lessons that are great free, a teacher can intrinsically motivate his/her students.

Practice Set- 6 click here

Question No. 4

All of the following will let the learner assume greater control of instruction except

(1) asking the learner to select the information source

( 2 ) asking the learner to relate the question to the objective

( 3 ) asking the learner to memorise the information

( 4 ) asking the learner to choose one learning method among the five alternatives given

Answere– (3)

Explanation– Asking learners to memorize is not suitable. It makes the learners a passive entity in the teaching-learning process.

Question No. 5

Stuttering problems in students can be dealt by applying one

(1) dictated speech

(2) pragmatic speech

(3) prolonged speech

(4) protracted speech

Answere- (2)

Explanation– The prolonged speech method is an important method for correcting stuttering problems. In this method, the person who stutters is taught to say words by breaking them down into syllables.

Question No. 6

A child obeys orders to avoid being scolded by a teacher. Which stage of Kohlberg’s moral development model does this depict ?

(1) Punishment and obedience orientation

(2) Reward orientation

(3) Social contract orientation

(4) Universal ethical principle orientation

Answer– (1)

Explanation– It is in the punishment and obedience orientation state that a child believes that disobedience of rules leads to punishment.

Practice Set- 5 click here

Question No. 7

In the context of learning – disabled children , gender immediate connection , stressing collaboration and leveraging non – learning technologies ( such as instant messaging , intelligent search and content management ) are associated with

(1) Embedded learning design

(2) Interventionist learning design

(3) Reply to remediation design.

( 4 ) Universal design for learning

Answer– (1)

Explanation– Embedded learning takes place in those classroom activities where the teacher plans to include short instructional interactions.

Question No.8

Raven’s Progressive Matrices example of test .

( 1 ) Verbal IQ

( 2 ) Non – group IQ

( 3) Culture – free IQ

( 4 ) Personality

Answer– (2)

Explanation– RPM tests are an example of culture free IQ tests. These tests contain non-verbal multiple choice questions of common intelligence.

Question No. 9

Dancing is related to which type of multiple intelligences ?

( 1 ) Spatial

( 2 ) Musical usually associated with

( 3) Linguistic

( 4 ) Kinaesthetic

Answer– (4)

Explanation– Individual who use their body or its parts to perform something purposeful movements are said to be exhibiting the bodily kinesthetic intelligence.

Question No. 10

Creativity is usually associated with

( 1 ) convergent thinking

( 2 ) modelling

( 3 ) divergent thinking

( 4 ) imitation

Answere– (2)

Explanation– Creative children are considered to be gifted children. The common characteristic of such children is their divergent thinking.

Practice Set- 2 Click here – For More Important Questions(with Answer snd explanation) for CTET and TET exams

Practice Set- 3 click here

Practice Set- 4 click here

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