5. Important Questions of child Development and Pedagogy for CTET and other TET exams (with Answers and Explanation)

Important Questions of child Development and Pedagogy for CTET and other TET exams (with Answers and Explanation)

Child Development and Pedagogy is one of the important sections of CTET (Paper 1 and Paper 2) and many candidates often feel difficulty in this section. Experts suggest that candidates should prepare this section more to get 120+ scores. Here, we have provided questions of Child Development and Pedagogy (with Answers) for CTET and other TET exams.

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Question No. 1

When a child takes assistance from a teacher for developing content, it is called

(1) scaffolding

(2) simulation

(3) structure learning

(4) mastery learning


Explanation– Scaffolding refers to what a child can do with the help of teachers.

Question No. 2

Classrooms after the implementation of the RTE Act, 2009, are

( 1) age – wise more homogeneous

(2) age – wise more heterogeneous

(3) unaffected, as RTE does not affect the average age of a class in a school

(4) gender – wise more homogeneous


Explanation– The right to Education Act(RTE) was enacted by the Parliament of India on 4 August 2009, classroom after the implementation of this act, are age-wise more homogeneous because of free and compulsory education for children in the age group of 6 to 14.

Question No. 3

Who said, “Development refers to the complex set of processes involved in the emergence of a mature functioning organism from a fertilized ovum “?

(1) Erikson

(2) Jersild, Telford and Sawrey

(3) Piaget

(4) Kohlberg

Answer– (2)

Explanation– The given definition of development was given by Jessildm, Telfoed and Sawrey. They observed that the training and education of early childhood influences a child effective, conceptual and social development in the subsequent years of his/her life.

Question No. 4

Young children follow the code of conduct decided by their teachers at the school. Which level of moral development is followed by these children?

(1) Post – conventional level

(2) Pre – conventional level

(3) Conventional level

(4) Social contract level


Explanation– At the preconventional level the behaviour of children is governed by making them that follow moral quotes said by adults. There are two stages under this level which are follows:

  • stage l:punishment and obedience orientation.
  • Stage ll: reward orientation.

Question No. 5

Mastery orientation can be encouraged by

(1) focusing on students ‘individual efforts

(2) comparing students’ successes with each other

(3) assigning a lot of practice materials as home assignments

(4) taking unexpected tests

Answer– (1)

Explanation– Students like to believe that they have some control over the factors related to learning. This belief is known as mastery orientation. This belief should be encouraged by teachers by providing appropriate feedback on student initiation, individual effort and achievement.

Question No. 6

Which of the The following statements is false?

(1) Piaget was the first psychologist to conduct the study of cognitive development.

(2) At the pre-operational stage, the development of vocabulary increases.

(3) Kohlberg identified three levels of moral development.

(4) ZPD stands for Zone of Prompt Development.


Explanation– ZPD stands for zone of proximal development. It is the gap between the present and voting seller level of a child development.

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Question No. 7

Ability grouping of students should be

(1) discouraged as it gives the message that ability is valued more than effort

(2) encouraged as it maximizes learning using special methods

(3) encouraged as it promotes competition among students

( 4) Both (2) and (3)

Answer– (1)

Explanation– Sorting students according to their talents in a classroom is known as ability grouping. It should be discouraged as it gives the message that ability is of more value than effort.

Question No. 8

Mr. A does not pay tax to the government stating the reason that he cannot support a corrupt government. Which level of moral development is followed here?

(1) Conventional level

(2) Pre – conventional level

(3) Post – conventional level

(4) Social contract level

Answer– (3)

Explanation– At The post-conventional level, individuals focus on their own personal develops and ideas as showcased in theis case by Mr. A.

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Question No. 9

According to theories of motivation, a teacher can enhance learning by

(1) not having any expectations from students

(2) setting extremely high expectations from students

(3) setting realistic expectations from students

(4) setting uniform standards of expectations

Answer– (3)

Explanation– According to the theories of motivation, a teacher can enhance learning by setting realistic expectations from students. This is because a teacher’s expectations have a strong effect on the performance of his/her students.

Question No. 10

Who said, “All children pass through a series of distinct stages in their intellectual development”?

(1) Vygotsky

(2) Bloom

(3) Piaget

(4) William

Answer– (3)

Explanation– Piaget gave the given statement. He devoted his whole life in observing and recording the intellectual abilities of young children and adolescents.

Question No. 11

At the _______ stage, a child is basically able to describe his / her physical status like age and gender.

(1) preschool

(2) primary school

(3) secondary school

(4) middle adulthood

Answer– (1)

Explanation– By the preschool stage, if child starts describing his her physical status like age, gender etc. He/she can also make a few statement regarding his/her family and favourite activities.

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Question No. 12

A teacher takes her class on an educational trip to

(1) provide a break from routine teaching in the school

(2) provide an opportunity to children for direct observation

(3) do the activity specified in the school calendar

(4) provide entertainment to children

Answer– (2)

Explanation– If learners are provided a chance to directly observe the problem related to the topic, it will make their attitude towards learning positive. Educational trips are planned with the same idea.

Question No. 13

Problem solving is more likely to succeed in the schools where

(1) a flexible curriculum is in place

(2) homogeneous groups of students are present in the classes

(3) the emphasis is only on higher order academic achievement

(4) ) teacher – centric pedagogy is in effect

Answer– (1)

Explanation– Rigidity of school curriculum needs to be reduced so that the focus is not only on compulsory topics to be covered but also on the quality, impact and outcome of teaching.

Question No. 14

Helping learners recapitulate or recall what they have already learned is important because

(1) it is a convenient beginning for any classroom instruction

(2) relating new information to prior knowledge enhances learning

(3) it is an effective way of revising old lessons

(4) it enhances the memory of learners, thereby strengthening their learning


Explanation– If learners current learning is related to his her previous learning, it becomes easier for the learner to comprehend. The learner can then easily draw conclusion and formulate ideas related to the topic.

Question No. 15

A teacher uses audio – visual aids and physical activities in her teaching because they

(1) provide diversion to learners

(2) utilize the maximum number of senses to enhance learning

(3) provide relief to the teacher

(4) facilitate effective assessment

Answer– (2)

Explanation– Utilising the maximum number of senses during the teaching learning process is greatly helpful in the enhancement of learning. Audio- visual aids help in sustaining the attention of students and motivating them to learn.

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