3. Important Questions of Child Development and Pedagogy for CTET and other TET exam (with Answers and Explanation)

Important Questions of Child Development and Pedagogy for CTET and other TET exam (with Answers and Explanation)

Child Development and Pedagogy is one of the important sections of CTET (Paper 1 and Paper 2) and many candidates often feel difficulty in this section. Experts suggest that candidates should prepare this section more to get 120+ scores. Here, we have provided questions of Child Development and Pedagogy (with Answer and explanation) for CTET and Other TET exams.

Practice Set- 3

1.The classification of students into different groups on the basis of their IQ tends to________ esteem performance ________and their self academic performance.

( 1 ) increase ; decrease

( 2 ) increase ; increase

( 3 ) decrease ; decrease

( 4 ) decrease ; have no effect upon

Answer– (4)

Explanation– The classification of students on the basis of IQ may create a feeling of inferiority in the students having low or if it is IQ, this leading to a low self esteem in them.

2. While establishing an identity , a child must recognize himself / herself as a_______.

( 1 ) youngster

( 2 ) human being

( 3 ) machine

( 4 ) matured individual

Answer– (2)

Explanation– while establishing an identity a child must recognise himself or herself as a human being. This may appear as an exceedingly fundamental idea but a number of variation can be same in a child’s behaviour due to the process of socialization.

3. There are a few children in your class who commit errors. Which of these is most likely to be your analysis of the situation ?

(1) The children have poor intelligence.

(2) The children are not interested in studies and want to create indiscipline.

(3) The children should not have been promoted to your class.

(4) The children have not yet gained conceptual clarity, and there is a need for you to reflect on your pedagogy.

Answer– (4)

Explanation- Errors do not necessarily mean that the children have to poor intelligence. It might also be that the taught concepts are not clear to them and that the teacher should reflect upon his/her pedagogy.

19. A child develops the ability to imitate others at the age of________.

(1) One

(2) Two

(3) Three

(4) Four


Explanation– A child starts developing the ability to imitate others at the age of three or more. However, a child imitate anyone without any strong identification or emotional link.

5. According to Piaget’s cognitive theory of learning, the process by which the cognitive structure is modified is called

(1) assimilation

(2) perception

(3) schema

(4) accommodation


Explanation– Assimilation involves trying to understand something new by fitting it into what is already known.

6. During_________children often have extraordinary views of their abilities.

( 1 ) preschool

( 2 ) secondary school

( 3 ) primary school

( 4 ) middle adulthood


Explanation– A child at the preschool stage is yet not aware of his/her actual abilities. Therefore, during this period children often have extra ordinary views of their abilities.

Practice Set- 5 click here

7. The failure of a child to perform well in class tests leads us to believe that

(1) assessment is objective and can be used to clearly identify failures

( 2 ) there is a need to reflect upon the syllabus , pedagogy and assessment processes

( 3 ) some children are deemed to fail irrespective of how hard the system tries

( 4 ) children are born with certain capabilities and deficits

Answer– (2)

Explanation– The failure of a child is also the failure of the syllabus pedagogy and assessment. Hence, we need to reflect upon all these points before making any judgement about the student.

8. As per ZPD , _________ states that what a child can do independently.

(1) the present level of development

(2) the potential level of development

(3) the level of competence

(4) cognitive development

Answer– (1)

Explanation– ZPD is a gap between the present and potential level of child development.

9. Bloom’s taxonomy is a hierarchical organization of ___________.

(1) achievement goals

(2) curricular declarations

(3) reading skills

(4) cognitive objectives

Answer– (4)

Explanation– Bloom’s taxonomy is a hierarchical organisation of cognitive objective. The following steps were given by Bloom in his taxonomy :

  • knowledge
  • Comprehension
  • Application
  • Analysis
  • Synthesis
  • Evolution

10. A theory of learning that totally and only depends on ‘ observable behavior ‘ is associated with the theory of learning

(1) cognitivist

(2) behaviourist

(3) development

(4) constructivist

Answer– (3)

Explanation– The behaviourist theory of learning processes the idea that certain behaviour is acquired by conditioning, which is enabled by interaction with the environment.

11. Dancing, driving, writing, etc. are some examples of

(1) physical development

(2) motor development

(3) social development

(4) emotional development


Explanation– Motor development refers to changes in children’s ability to control their body movements.

12. Activity – based teaching emphasis

(1) a disciplined class

(2) completion of an activity in due time

(3) active participation by all students

(4) taking examination after the completion of an activity

Answer– (3)

Explanation– Activity-based teaching emphasizes active participation of all learners present in a classroom. This type of teaching also makes learning easy and comprehensive by proving and environment popular doing by doing.

13. Under which stage is the cause and effect of an activity discovered by a child ?

(1) Sensorimotor stage

(2) Preoperational stage

(3) Concrete operational stage

(4) Formal operational stage


Explanation– At the third stage of sensorimotor development (4 to 8 months age) habits are formed from the general was created by child.

14. At the________ stage, a child becomes an active member of his / her peer group.

( 1 ) adulthood

( 3 ) infancy alera

( 2 ) early childhood

( 4 ) adolescence


Explanation– In adolescence, a child gets highly influenced by his or her peers and ardently follows the rules and course of the peers group. At this time a usually become more important than family.

15. Teachers should study the errors of their students as they often indicate

( 1 ) the extent of their knowledge

( 2 ) remedial strategies needed

(3) pathways for ability grouping

(4) the need for differentiate curriculum


Explanation– Remedial strategy is used to help learners as with learning difficulties. In a diverse classroom, all students have different pace and style of learning. Someone can learn better through visual diagrams, while another learns better by the use of audio tape. In remedial teaching, appropriate strategies are applied to eliminate the problems of learning related to a student.

Practice Set- 2 click here

Practice Set- 1 click here

Practice Set- 4 click here

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