3.1 Heredity : Meaning and Definition :

Human beings have a common genetic structure but each human carries different set of genetic traits that they get from their parents . This includes eye colour , hair colour , body type , height , skin colour etc. Therefore , heredity can be defined as the transmission of genetic traits from parents to their children.

As per Peterson , heredity may be defined as what one gets from his ancestral stock through his parents . This includes nature , character traits , looks , intelligence and cognitive skills.

3.1.1 Effects of Heredity :

The effects of heredity on various aspects of human personality are given below

1. On Physical Characteristics

* This refers to the looks or physical features . A child inherits biological heredity that is transferred through genes and chromosomes . e.g. parents with a good height and healthy physique generally have tall and strong children . It states that offsprings will resemble his parents .

* A gene is a primary basis of heredity . It is a section of DNA that comprises coded instructions . Therefore , child development is largely affected by heredity factors . The twins and siblings will have similar genetic formations though the coded instructions will have modifications .

The offspring may not resemble his parents and thus , there are variations . Therefore , every individual is unique in some way or the other e.g. colour of eyes may be different or children may not be as tall as their parents are .


2. On Intelligence

Specific genetic traits are responsible for intelligence of a child and associate IQ levels of parents and siblings . The ability of effective learning , analysis and decision making capacity develops from the level of intelligence that a child inherits .

According to Godard , intelligent parents will have intelligent children while dull parents will have dull children .

The mental abilities inherited by a child determines how a child develops emotionally . The kind of emotional development in a child affects the way a child develops his social , moral and linguistic skills .


3. On Character :

A child inherits the character traits from his parents . According to Dugwell , how a person’s character / nature develops is also dependent on what the person inherits from his parents .

The moral development in a child is a part of development and is deep rooted in human nature . Therefore , parents pass on some moral values to their offspring . This defines the concept of heredity.

3.1.2 Significance / Importance of Heredity :

1. Hèredity lay down the foundation for the intellectual potential or ability of a child , thus showing its inborn talents . Every child inherits different types of intelligences from its parents . Some inherit analytical intelligence , others are highly creative , while some others may have more of practical intelligence . Parents and teachers should therefore observe and identify their children’s potential domains and then nurture and develop these areas in such children .

2. Heredity determines maturation , which is a factor affecting learning . Unfolding of genetically directed changes as the child develops basic motor skills like walking , running and jumping emerges primarily as a result of neurological ( brain ) development , increased strength and increased muscular control – changes that are largely determined by inherited biological instructions .

3. Heredity determines personality i.e. temperament . Children seem to have distinct temperaments almost from birth . Temperament of an individual dictates general activity level , adaptability , persistence , adventurousness , shyness , inhibition level , irritability and distractibility . Temperament Temperament greatly affects learning .

3.2 Environment : Meaning and Definition :

Environment is a sum total of our surroundings . The word environment has been derived from a French word Environia ‘ meaning ‘ to surround ‘ . It refers to the environment in which organisms live . Human beings interact with their environment more vigorously than other living beings . Human beings are surrounded by air water , vegetation , mountains , plateaus , rivers and other objects . All these together make an environment .

In other words , environment refers to those which surrounds the living beings from all sides and affect their life in total .

Environment plays an important role in the development of human life . Contribution of environment is equally important on the development of human life as is the contribution of heredity . So , some psychologists call psychological environment as social heredity .

Behavioural psychologist have laid more emphasis on environment as compared to heredity .

Definitions of environment given by various thinkers are given below –

According to Ann Nastase , ” Environment is that factor which affects a human being beside his life ” .

According to Holland and Douglas , ” The term environment is used to describe , in aggregate all the external forces , influences and conditions which affect the life , nature , behaviour and the growth , development and maturity of living organism ” .

According to Gisbert , ” Environment is anything immediately surrounding an object and exerting a direct influence on it ” .


3.2.1 Effects of Environment :

Environment effects on development of child in various ways . These are –

1. Physical Dissimilarities

* Though physical attributes are mostly hereditary but effect of environment can be clearly seen . e.g. people living on mountainous areas are short structured whereas people living in plains are generally tall and strong .

* For many generations , it has been observed that change of place affects a person’s physical structure .

2. Effect on Superiority of Races

* Some races are intellectually superior to others not because of heredity but because of environment . These races are able to score better as they are equipped with better intellectual cultural and social environment .

* If a son of a great leader is left in an incompatible environment devoid of good intellectual and cultural atmosphere , he will not be able to become great like his father .

3. Effect on Personality

* Personality development or modulation depends more on environment than heredity factors . Any person can evolve into a better human being if he gets a proper environment . It is a fact that personalities change due to difference in environment .

* We come across many examples near us where people who are born in low income or poor families have been able to rise due to better environment which enabled their capabilities to work to the full potential .

* Newman , Freeman and Holzinger studied 20 pairs of twins who were kept in different environment , to prove this . They kept one pair of twins in a rural area in a farm and the other pair of twins was nurtured in urban area full of social and cultural facilities . When both of these pairs grew up , considerable difference was found in their personality traits .

* The twin who was brought up in rural background was found discourteous , full of anxiety and less intelligent . On the contrary , the twins who were brought up in urban environment were found to be more sophisticated , carefree and more intelligent .

4. Effect on Mental Growth

* A psychologist Gardon is of the view that , mental growth slows down in human beings in the absence of proper social and cultural atmosphere .

* He conducted a study on children living near river . The environment of these children was bad and away from good effects of society . The study revealed that these children’s mental development was also hampered due to their environment .

5. Environment’s Multiple Effects on Growing Children

Environment plays a crucial role in the development of physical , mental , social and emotional aspects of any human being . The study of a child who was reared in deep forests shows that he was reared among wild animals . Some hunters caught hold of this child in 1799. At that time , he was 11 or 12 years .

His physical structure became like animals . He used to walk with his hands and legs and used to eat raw meat . He was not able to think and speak like human . All the efforts to educate and make him civilised were failed .


Nature v / s Nurture

* Nature refers to the genetic influence or the traits inherited by a child from his parents . Nurture is all about the upbringing of a child or the environment in which a child grows .

* Philosophers like Plato and Socrates suggest that a child is born with intelligence , talents and skills that is regardless of environmental influences . Thinkers like John Locke believed that mind begins with a blank state and knowledge is determined by experiences

* However , the impact of nature ( heredity ) and environment ( nurture ) on child development is equally essential . Heredity begins the moment an egg is fertilised while role of environment begins with the birth of a child but both play their roles throughout the life of a child .

* For example , a wrestler has strong body type due to genetic influences but his fitness and stamina depends upon the food and surroundings in which he lives and practises .


1. Determinants of individual differences in human beings relate to

( 1 ) differences in environment

( 2 ) differences in heredity

( 3 ) interaction between heredity and environment

( 4 ) Both heredity and environment interacting separately


2. ” Environment is an external force which influences us ” .Who said this ?

( 1 ) Woodworth

( 2 ) EJ Ross

( 3 ) Anastasi

( 4 ) None of these


3. Human personality is a result of

( 1 ) only heredity

( 2 ) upbringing and education

( 3 ) interaction between heredity and environment

( 4 ) only environment


4. Which of the following refers to the questions related to child , his abilities and his proper development ?

( 1 ) Heredity factors

( 2 ) Environmental factors

( 3 ) All of the above

( 4 ) None of the above


5. Which of the following is not the law of heredity ?

( 1 ) Similarity

( 2 ) Variation

( 3 ) Regression

( 4 ) Motivation


6. Which of the following traits can most suitably be related to heredity ?

( 1 ) Insight

( 3 ) Knowledge

( 2 ) Appearance

( 4 ) Hard work

7. Aarav says that the language development is influenced by inborn talents while Radha feels that is because of the environment This discussion between them is about

( 1 ) continuous and discontinuous learning

( 2 ) social and cultural factors

( 3 ) biological and ethical factors

( 4 ) nature and nurture debate


8. To which of the following statements can the role of heredity and environment be linked ?

( 1 ) Role of environment is static while heredity changes

( 2 ) Behavioural theories and related to heredity

( 3 ) Comparative effects of heredity and environment differ in many areas of human development

( 4 ) None of the above


9. Which among the following form of development is influenced by heredity and environment ?

A. Social development

B. Emotional development

C. Mental development

D. Physical development

( 1 ) Only D

( 2 ) A and B

( 3 ) A , B and C

( 4 ) All of these  

10. Rita has got a nose similar to her father . It is due to

( 1 ) biological heredity

( 2 ) societal heredity

( 3 ) behavioural heredity

( 4 ) educational heredity

11. An intelligent father has an intelligent child due to

( 1 ) nurture

( 2 ) nutrition

( 3 ) school curriculum

( 4 ) heredity

12. Which of the following is an environmental factor ?

( 1 ) Family

( 2 ) Pre – disposition to certain diseases like diabetes

( 3 ) Colour of eyes

( 4 ) Blood type


13. Which of the following is predominantly heredity related factor ?

( 1 ) Participation in social activities

( 2 ) Attitude towards peer group

( 3 ) Thinking pattern

( 4 ) Colour of the eyes

14. Heredity is considered as a social structure .

( 1 ) primary

( 2 ) secondary

( 3 ) dynamic

( 4 ) static


15. The physical characteristics of a child is influenced by

( 1 ) Father’s DNA

( 2 ) Mother’s DNA

( 3 ) DNA of both mother’s and father’s

( 4 ) Environment

16. Environmental factors that shape development include all of the following except

( 1 ) culture

( 2 ) quality of education

( 3 ) physique

( 4 ) quality of nutrition

17. Heredity and environment are to each other . A. Dependant B. Complementary C. Cooperative

( 1 ) Only A

( 2 ) Only B

( 3 ) Only C 

( 4 ) All of these

18. Which one among the following not an environmental factor that affects child development ?

( 1 ) Culture

( 2 ) Quality of education

( 3 ) Physique

( 4 ) Quality of nutrition

19. Determinants of individuals differences in human beings relate to

( 1 ) difference in the environment

( 2 ) difference in heredity

( 3 ) interaction between heredity and environment

( 4 ) Both heredity and environment interacting separately


20. A child learns properly in an environment which

( 1 ) gives due weightage to the emotions and experiences of a child

( 2 ) gives ample space to place

( 3 ) there is strict discipline

( 4 ) there are opportunities to make friends


Previous Years ‘ Questions


21. Human personality is the result of

( 1 ) only heredity

( 2 ) upbringing and education

( 3 ) interaction between heredity and environment

( 4 ) only environment


22. One of the identical twin brother is adopted by a socio – economically rich family and the other by a poor family . After one year , which one of the following may be most likely observed about their IQ scores ?

( 1 ) The boy with poor family will score greater than the boy with rich socio – economic family

( 2 ) Socio – economic level does not affect the IQ score

( 3 ) The boy with rich socio – economic family will score greater than the boy with poor family

( 4 ) Both of them will score equally


23. Which one of the following is true about the role of heredity and environment in the development of a child ?

( 1 ) Both heredity and environment are contributed 50 % -50 % in the development of a child

( 2 ) The relative contributions of adult and genes are not additive

( 3 ) Heredity and environment do not operate together

( 4 ) None of the above


24. Which of the following statements is true ?

( 1 ) Genetic makeup impacts responsiveness of an individual to qualities of the environment

( 2 ) Adoptive children possess same IQs as their adoptive siblings

( 3 ) Experience does not influence brain development

( 4 ) Intelligence remains unaffected by the schooling


25. The nature – nurture debate refers to

( 1 ) genetics and environment

( 2 ) behaviour and environment

( 3 ) environment and biology

( 4 ) environment and upbringing


26. What is meant by ‘ nature ‘ in ‘ nature – nurture ‘ controversy ?

( 1 ) Biological givens or the hereditary information

( 2 ) Temperament of an individual

( 3 ) Complex forces of the physical and social world

( 4 ) The environment around us


27. A 6 years old girl shows exceptional sporting ability . Both of her parents are sports persons , send her for coaching everyday and trained her on weekends . Her capabilities are most likely to be the result of an interaction between

( 1 ) growth and development

( 2 ) health and training

( 3 ) discipline and nutrition

( 4 ) heredity and environment






1. (3)

2. (2)

3. (3)

4. (3)

5. (4)

6. (2)

7. (4)

8. (3)

9. (4)

10. (1)

11. (4)

12. (1)

13. (4)

14. (4)

15. (3)

16. (3)

17. (4)

18. (3)

19. (3)

20. (1)

21. (3)

22. (2)

23. (2)

24. (1)

25. (1)

26. (1)

27. (4)

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