18. Developmental task is a concept first used by (1) Herbart (2) Havighurst (3) Bruner (4) Hurlock

18. Developmental task is a concept first used by (1) Herbart (2) Havighurst (3) Bruner (4)…

17. Assessment_____learning influences learning by reinforcing the _____ between assessment and instruction. (1) for; connection (3) of; difference (1) Herbart (2) for; difference (3) of; difference (4) of; variance

17. Assessment_____learning influences learning by reinforcing the _____ between assessment and instruction. (1) for; connection  (2)…

16. As per the existing opinion of childhood, (1) children perform in the same manner as adults do (2) children can be treated as young adults (3) childhood is basically a waiting period (4) childhood is a period of rapid growth and transformation

16. As per the existing opinion of childhood, (1) children perform in the same manner as…

15. “A child imitating others has to make a new schema by suppressing his / her own schema.” What is this called? (1) Assimilation (2) adaptation (3) Accommodation (4) schema

15. “A child imitating others has to make a new schema by suppressing his / her…

14. A student works hard to clear an entrance test for admission into a medical college. The student is said to be motivated (1) intrinsically (3) individually (2) extrinsically (4) experientially

14. A student works hard to clear an entrance test for admission into a medical college.…

13. According to Kohlberg, the highest stage of moral development is (1) punishment and obedience orientation (2) social contract orientation (3) universal ethical principle orientation ( 4) reward orientation

13. According to Kohlberg, the highest stage of moral development is (1) punishment and obedience orientation…

12. During infancy, Which of the following shows maximum growth? (1) Hands (3) Head (2) Legs (4) Fingers

12. During infancy, Which of the following shows maximum growth? (1) Hands (2) Head (3) Legs…

11. In science practicals, boys generally take control of apparatus and ask girls to record data or wash utensils. This tendency reflects that (1) girls being delicate prefer such less energy. consuming tasks (2) girls are excellent observers and record data flawlessly (3) stereotyping of masculine and feminine roles takes place in schools also (4) boys can handle equipment more efficiently as they are naturally endowed for doing such things

11. In science practicals, boys generally take control of apparatus and ask girls to record data…

10. How can a teacher help children become better problem solvers? (1) By giving children a variety of problems to solve and support while solving them (2) By encouraging children to look for answers to the problems in the textbook (3) By providing correct solutions to all the problems they pose to students (4 ) By giving tangible rewards for solving problems

10. How can a teacher help children become better problem solvers? (1) By giving children a…

9. Which of the following statements is true about learning? (1) Errors made by children indicate that no learning has taken place. (2) Learning is effective in an environment that is emotionally positive and satisfying for learners. (3) Learning is not affected by emotional factors at the stage of learning. (4) Learning is basically a mental activity.

9. Which of the following statements is true about learning? (1) Errors made by children indicate…

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