6. ‘Self-regulation’ of learners refers to (1) their ability to monitor their own learning through self-discipline (2) creating regulations for students’ behavior (3) the rules and regulations made by the student body (4) their ability to follow rules made by the teacher

6. ‘Self-regulation’ of learners refers to (1) their ability to monitor their own learning through self-discipline…

5. The word ‘comprehensive’ in the scheme of evaluation is comprehensive continuous and supported by the following except (1) the theory of multiple intelligences (2) the theory of information processing (3) J.P. Guilford’s theory of structure of intellect (4) L.L. Thurstone’s theory of primary mental abilities

5. The word ‘comprehensive’ in the scheme of evaluation is comprehensive continuous and supported by the…

4. Which of the following values ​​must be inculcated in teachers to help them deal with the disadvantaged learners in the class? (1) Personal accountability for students’ success (2) High expectations of appropriate behavior (3) No demands of any sort from the students rules and discipline (4) Demanding immediate compliance of students to

4. Which of the following values ​​must be inculcated in teachers to help them deal with…

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