25. An effective way to reduce gender bias may be (1) to run unisex schools with both male and female teachers (2) to run co – ed schools with both male and female teachers Hiw W 28 (3) to run unisex schools with only female teachers (4) to run co – ed schools with only female teachers

25. An effective way to reduce gender bias may be (1) to run unisex schools with…

24. Which one of the following pairs would be the most appropriate choice to complete the following sentence? faster when they are involved in Children the activities that seem to be (1) forget; useful in a classroom (2) recall; linked with their classwork only (3) memorize; culturally neutral (4) learn; useful in real life to

24. Which one of the following pairs would be the most appropriate choice to complete the…

23. The term PSRN in development stands for (1) Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy (2) Problem Identification, Rational and Numeracy ( 3) Problem Identification, Reasoning and Numeracy (4) Problem Solving, Rational and Numeracy

23. The term PSRN in development stands for (1) Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy (2) Problem…

22. Which of the following is not related to the infancy period? (1) Growth occurs from bilateral to unilateral trends in motor organs. (2) Growth occurs from general to specific trends in motor organs. (3) Emotional and social development, which are not a part of motor development (4) Steady mental growth

22. Which of the following is not related to the infancy period? (1) Growth occurs from…

21. CBSE prescribed group activities for students in place of activities for individual students. The idea behind doing so could be (1) to overcome negative emotional response to individual competition, which may generalize across learning (2) to make it easier for teachers to observe groups instead of individual students (3) to rationalize the time available with schools , most of which do not have enough time for individual activities (4) to reduce the infrastructural cost of the activity

21. CBSE prescribed group activities for students in place of activities for individual students. The idea…

20. Which of the following statements does not represent the characteristics of the early childhood stage? (1) A child starts learning about different colors, numbers, alphabet, objects, shapes and reasons for every activity. (2) A child starts gaining competence in various motor skills. (3) A child starts identifying his / her actual capabilities. (4) A child starts developing cognitive abilities to perform tasks.

20. Which of the following statements does not represent the characteristics of the early childhood stage?…

19. Which of the following does not reflect ‘teaching for understanding’? (1) Asking students to explain a phenomenon or a concept in their own words. (2) Teaching students to provide examples to illustrate how a law works. (3) Helping students see similarities and differences and generate analogies. (4) Enabling students to memorize isolated facts and procedures.

19. Which of the following does not reflect ‘teaching for understanding’? (1) Asking students to explain…

18. Developmental task is a concept first used by (1) Herbart (2) Havighurst (3) Bruner (4) Hurlock

18. Developmental task is a concept first used by (1) Herbart (2) Havighurst (3) Bruner (4)…

17. Assessment_____learning influences learning by reinforcing the _____ between assessment and instruction. (1) for; connection (3) of; difference (1) Herbart (2) for; difference (3) of; difference (4) of; variance

17. Assessment_____learning influences learning by reinforcing the _____ between assessment and instruction. (1) for; connection  (2)…

16. As per the existing opinion of childhood, (1) children perform in the same manner as adults do (2) children can be treated as young adults (3) childhood is basically a waiting period (4) childhood is a period of rapid growth and transformation

16. As per the existing opinion of childhood, (1) children perform in the same manner as…

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