7. Students observe fashion shows and try to imitate models. This kind of imitation may be called (1) primary simulation (2) secondary simulation (3) social learning (4) generalization

7. Students observe fashion shows and try to imitate models. This kind of imitation may be…

6. ‘Self-regulation’ of learners refers to (1) their ability to monitor their own learning through self-discipline (2) creating regulations for students’ behavior (3) the rules and regulations made by the student body (4) their ability to follow rules made by the teacher

6. ‘Self-regulation’ of learners refers to (1) their ability to monitor their own learning through self-discipline…

3. Individual differences among students can be the basis for including (1) multiple modes of teaching (2) multiple modes of assessment (3) multiple assessments (4) (1) and (2) both

3. Individual differences among students can be the basis for including (1) multiple modes of teaching…

2. If students repeatedly make errors during a lesson, the teacher should (1) make changes in instruction, tasks, timetable or seating arrangements (2) leave the lesson for the time being and come back to it after some time (3) identify the erring students and talk to the principal about them (4) make erring students stand outside the classroom

2. If students repeatedly make errors during a lesson, the teacher should (1) make changes in…

1. A teacher helps her learners link the knowledge they have derived in one subject area with the knowledge from other subject areas. This helps to promote (1) individual differences (2) learner’s autonomy (3) reinforcement (4) correlation and transfer of knowledge

1. A teacher helps her learners link the knowledge they have derived in one subject area…

30. The ‘doing’ aspect of behavior falls into the (1) cognitive domain of learning (2) affective domain of learning the (3) conative domain of learning (4) psychological domain of learning

30. The ‘doing’ aspect of behavior falls into the (1) cognitive domain of learning (2) affective…

29. How teachers and students classroom, (1) interpret; does not affect the learning environment. (2) construct; impacts (3) adapt; perturbs (4) define; vitiates gender in the (3) conative domain of learning (4) psychological domain of learning

29. How teachers and students classroom,______ gender in the classroom,______ the learning environment. (1) interpret; does…

28. Which one of the following statements is true? (1) Formative assessment can sometimes be summative assessment, and vice-versa.com (2) Summative assessment implies that assessment is a continuous and integral part of learning. (3) The major objective of formative assessment is to grade the achievement of students. assessment (4) Formative summaries development of learners during a time interval.

28. Which one of the following statements is true? (1) Formative assessment can sometimes be summative…

27. Which of the following is most important in the process of learning? (1) Heredity of child (2) Style of learning (3) Examination result of the child (4) Economic condition of the child

27. Which of the following is most important in the process of learning? (1) Heredity of…

26. Of the following statements, which one do you agree with? (1) Learning is completely governed by external stimuli. (2) Learning cannot take place unless it is assessed externally in terms of marks. (3) Learning has taken place only if it is evident in behavior. (4) Learning takes place in a socio-cultural context.

26. Of the following statements, which one do you agree with? (1) Learning is completely governed…

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