What are the common body parts of animals?

What are the common body parts of animals? Ans- Humans and animals may look different, at…

How to start blow moulding machine?

How to start blow moulding machine? Ans- A. Method -1 1. Turn on power to the…

The story of ‘Heinz’s Dilemma’ is based on

20. The story of ‘Heinz’s Dilemma’ is based on (1) Vygotsky’s theory (2) kohlberg’s theory (3)…

What does scaffolding refers to?

19. What does scaffolding refers to? (1) support from adults in learning (2) recapitulation of previous…

Seema learns every lesson very quickly, but Leena takes longer to learn them. It denotes the developmental principle of

18. Seema learns every lesson very quickly, but Leena takes longer to learn them. It denotes…

Which of the following is a feature of inclusive education

17. Which of the following is a feature of inclusive education (1) celebrates diversity in a…

According to Vygotsky, zone of proximal development is

16. According to Vygotsky, zone of proximal development is (1) zone demarking the support offered by…

The intellectual development of a child is related to a assimilation and______

15. The intellectual development of a child is related to a assimilation and______ (1) arrogance (2)…

“Thought not only determines language but also precedes it” was an idea put forward by

13. “Thought not only determines language but also precedes it” was an idea put forward by…

The statement “An important precondition for the proper development of a child is ensuring his/her healthy physical development”.

12. The statement “An important precondition for the proper development of a child is ensuring his/her…

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