9. Which of the following statements is true about learning? (1) Errors made by children indicate that no learning has taken place. (2) Learning is effective in an environment that is emotionally positive and satisfying for learners. (3) Learning is not affected by emotional factors at the stage of learning. (4) Learning is basically a mental activity.

9. Which of the following statements is true about learning? (1) Errors made by children indicate…

8. The most appropriate logical predicate for the continuous and comprehensive evaluation CCE should be (1) assessing more than one aspect of learning (2) maximizing assessment opportunities(3) promoting the holistic nature of human personality (4) increasing the burden on teachers

8. The most appropriate logical predicate for the continuous and comprehensive evaluation CCE should be (1)…

7. The discourse of child development revolves around changes in a child over identifying the time. (1) Behavioral (3) Intellectual (2) Cultural (4) Social

7. The discourse of child development revolves around changes in a child over identifying the time.…

6. A child starts recognizing various aspects of size, weight, color, time, etc. , by the age of (1) six (3) two (2) four (4) eight

6. A child starts recognizing various aspects of size, weight, color, time, etc. , by the…

5. A teacher asks his / her students to draw a concept map to reflect their comprehension of a topic. He / she is (1) jogging the memory of the students (2) conducting formative assessment (3) testing the ability of the students to summarize the main points (4) trying to dėvelop

5. A teacher asks his / her students to draw a concept map to reflect their…

4. The conclusion “Children can learn violent behavior depicted in movies” may be derived on the basis of done by which the work of the following psychologists? (1) Edward L. Thorndike. (3) Albert Bandura. (2) J. B. Watson. (4) Jean Piaget.

4. The conclusion “Children can learn violent behavior depicted in movies” may be derived on the…

3. Which one of the following represents the domain of ‘evaluating’ in Bloom’s revised taxonomy? (1) Creating a graph or chart using data. (2) Judging the logical consistency of a solution. (3) Evaluating the pertinence of the data provided. (4) Formulating a new way of categorizing objects.

3. Which one of the following represents the domain of ‘evaluating’ in Bloom’s revised taxonomy? (1)…

2. Which type of education focuses on art, humanities and social science? (1) Humanistic education (2) Constructivist education (3) Montessori education (4) Progressive education

2. Which type of education focuses on art, humanities and social science? (1) Humanistic education (2)…

1. The intellectual development in early childhood does not show (1) an increased span of attention (2) exploration of environment (3) interpretation of logical concepts (4) distinction between past, present and future

1. The intellectual development in early childhood does not show (1) an increased span of attention…

30. An inclusive school reflects on all the following questions except ( 1 ) Do we believe that all students can learn ? ( 2 ) Do we work in teams to plan and deliver learning enabling environmen t ? ( 3 ) Do we properly segregate special children from normal ones to provide better care ? ( 4 ) Do we adopt strategies catering to the diverse needs of students ?

30. An inclusive school reflects on all the following questions except ( 1 ) Do we…

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