7. In a culturally and linguistically diverse classroom , before deciding whether a student comes under the special education category , a teacher should

7. In a culturally and linguistically diverse classroom , before deciding whether a student comes under…

6. The RTE Act refers to which of the following with respect to disability ?

6. The RTE Act refers to which of the following with respect to disability ? (…

5. In the context of language development , which of the following areas was underestimated by Piaget ?

5. In the context of language development , which of the following areas was underestimated by…

4. Learning disabilities may occur due to all of the following except

4. Learning disabilities may occur due to all of the following except ( 1 ) the…

3. G factor, with reference to intelligence, is

3. G factor, with reference to intelligence, is (1) a factor that predicts the level to…

2. The best way to inculcate moral values ​​in children is

2. The best way to inculcate moral values ​​in children is (1) to give moral lectures…

1. A good textbook avoids –

1. A good textbook avoids (1) gender bias (2) gender equality (3) gender sensitivity (4) social…

30. Which of the following is predominantly a heredity related factor ?

30. Which of the following is predominantly a heredity related factor ? ( 1 ) Attitude…

29. In order to encourage achievement motivation in the classroom , students should be taught to attribute their good grades to

29. In order to encourage achievement motivation in the classroom , students should be taught to…

28. As per the progressive model of education , socialisation of a child aims at

28. As per the progressive model of education , socialisation of a child aims at (…

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