17. ” Equal educational opportunity ‘ implies that

17. ” Equal educational opportunity ‘ implies that ( 1 ) a student should receive equal…

16. Children learn education ____ in a child-centred education.

16. Children learn education_______ in a child – centered education. (1) In groups (2) Individually (3)…

15. The principle of reinforcement is associated with

15. The principle of reinforcement is associated with (1) Thorndike (2) Skinner (3) Pavlov (4) Kohlberg…

14. In the context of ‘ nature – nurture ‘ debate , which of the following statements seems appropriate to you ?

14. In the context of ‘ nature – nurture ‘ debate , which of the following…

13. Adolescents conform to peer pressure to fulfill their needs related to

13. Adolescents conform to peer pressure to fulfill their needs related to (1) belongingness ( 2…

12. Which of the following is not a characteristic of intrinsically motivated children ?

12. Which of the following is not a characteristic of intrinsically motivated children ? ( 1…

11. According to Kohlberg , the thinking process involved in judgments about the questions of right and wrong is called

11. According to Kohlberg , the thinking process involved in judgments about the questions of right…

10. Which of the following is not an appropriate tool for formative assessment ?

10. Which of the following is not an appropriate tool for formative assessment ? ( 1…

9. Group project activity as prescribed by CBSE is a powerful means

9. Group project activity as prescribed by CBSE is a powerful means ( 1 ) of…

8. In the context of progressive education , the term ‘ equal educational opportunity implies that all students should

8. In the context of progressive education , the term ‘ equal educational opportunity implies that…

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