9. Gifted students are –

9. Gifted students are ( 1 ) convergent thinkers ( 2) extrovert ( 3 ) divergent…

8. Which of the following is not a sign of reading difficulty among young learners ? Difficulty in

8. Which of the following is not a sign of reading difficulty among young learners ?…

7. Which of the following statements is true about ability grouping ?

7. Which of the following ability grouping ? ( 1 ) Students learn better in homogeneous…

6. Which among the following is also known as the toy age ?

6. Which among the following is also known as the toy age ? (1) infancy (…

5. Teachers in order to complete their lessons quickly expect answers from a preferred group of students . This

5. Teachers in order to complete their lessons quickly expect answers from a preferred group of…

4. Who gave the theory of sociocultural development ?

4. Who gave the theory of sociocultural development ? (1 ) Erikson ( 2) Piaget (…

3. What does ‘ self – regulation of learners ‘ mean ?

3. What does ‘ self – regulation of learners ‘ mean ? ( 1 ) Self…

2. The major responsibility of a teacher is to

2. The major responsibility of a teacher is to ( 1 ) prepare lesson plans and…

1. Gifted students will realise their potential when

1. Gifted students will realise their potential when ( 1 ) they are segregated from other…

30. The stage of cognitive development , according to Piaget , in which a child displays ‘object permanance’ is true

30. The stage of cognitive development , according to Piaget , in which a child displays…

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