19. Child development is a field that (1) ) studies changes in human values ​​(2) growth (4) weaknesses (2) explains human behavior across an individual’s lifespan (3) compares children’s behavior with adults behavior (4) studies the gradual evolution of a child in terms of cognitive, social and other capabilities

19. Child development is a field that (1) ) studies changes in human values ​​ (2)…

18. Inclusive education refers to a school education (1) includes children with disability (2) includes children regardless of their physical, intellectual, social, linguistic or other differently abled conditions (3) encourages education of children with special needs through exclusive schools (4) emphasizes the need to promote education of the girl child only

18. Inclusive education refers to a school education (1) includes children with disability (2) includes children…

17. ZPD states that the role of a teacher is necessary for (1) cognitive development (2) arrogance, (3) growth, (4) weakness

17. ZPD states that the role of a teacher is necessary for (1) cognitive development (2)…

16. Dyslexia is associated mainly with the difficulty in (1) speaking (2) hearing (3) speaking and hearing (4) reading

16. Dyslexia is associated mainly with the difficulty in (1) speaking (2) hearing (3) speaking and…

15. Which of the following statements supports cognitive ( 1 ) Cognitive development presents activities that reinforce traditional methods . ( 2 ) Cognitive development provides a rich and varied environment . ( 3 ) Cognitive development focuses more on individual activities in comparison to collaboration . ( 4 ) Cognitive development conducts relevant and we designed tests as frequently as possible .

15. Which of the following statements supports cognitive ( 1 ) Cognitive development presents activities that…

14. Which among the following is not an environmental factor that affects human development ? ( 1 ) Culture ( 3 ) Physique ( 2 ) Quality of education ( 4 ) Quality of nutrition

14. Which among the following is not an environmental factor that affects human development ? (…

13. Which of the following factors is a basis of the child centred education ?( 1 ) Individual differences ( 2 ) Child rights ( 3 ) Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act , 2009 ( 4 ) All children are equal in all respects .

13. Which of the following factors is a basis of the child centred education ? (…

12. Which of the following observations supports Howard gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences?(1) damage to one part of brain effects only particular ability, sparing others. (2) intelligence is an interaction of analytical creative and practical intelligences.(3) different intelligence are hierarchical in nature

12. Which of the following observations supports Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences ? ( 1…

11. The following can be used as alternatives to assess Intelligence except(1) the time taken by a student to respond to question ( 2 ) the ability of students to adapt ( 3 ) the ability of students to attract the teachers attention . ( 4 ) the Piagetian tasks.

11. The following can be used as alternatives to asse Intelligence except  (1) the time taken…

10. Which among the following is a heredity – related factor?( 1 ) Participation in social activities ( 2 ) Attitude towards the peer group ( 3 ) Language ( 4 ) Colour of eyes

10. Which among the following is a heredity – related factor? ( 1 ) Participation in…

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