29. The word ‘ compulsory ‘ in the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education…
( 28). A discussion in a class on gender roles should assert that ( 1 ) education is more important for boys as they earn livelihood for family ( 2 ) gender issues should be addressed prudently and meaningfully ( 3 ) only men can excel when it comes to earning money ( 4 ) women’s household work is of little importance
( 28). A discussion in a class on gender roles should assert that ( 1 )…
27. The main purpose of assessment should be ( 1 ) to point out the errors of learners ( 2 ) to measure the achievement of learners ( 3 ) to decide if a student should be promoted to the next class se ( 4 ) to diagnose and remedy gaps in learning
27. The main purpose of assessment should be ( 1 ) to point out the errors…
26. Which of the following factors does not influence a child’s development? (1) learning, (2) growth, (3) achievement, (4) culture
26. Which of the following factors does not influence a child’s development? (1) learning (2) growth…
25. Assembling a complex appliance is an example ______ of intelligence.(1) musical, (2) logical,(3) spatial, (4) linguistic
25. Assembling a complex appliance is an example ______ of intelligence. (1) musical, (2) logical, (3)…
24. the centrally sponsored scheme of integrated education for disabled children aims at providing educational opportunities to children with disabilities in (1) regular schools, (2) special schools, (3) open schools, (4) blind relief association in schools.
24. the centrally sponsored scheme of integrated education for disabled children aims at providing educational opportunities…
23. Vygotsky believed that ____ precedes development.(1) schema, (2) society, (3) emotions, (4) learning.
23. Vygotsky believed that ____ precedes development. (1) schema, (2) society, (3) emotions, (4) learning. Ans-…
22. At the ______stage of development, a child seems to be self centred. (1) infancy, (2) early childhood, (3) adolescence, (4) adulthood
22. At the ______stage of development, a child seems to be self centred. (1) infancy, (2)…
21. In ______ intelligence , knowledge comes from past learning and experiences . ( 1 ) crystallised (2) fluid ( 3 ) human (4) creative
21. In ______ intelligence , knowledge comes from past learning and experiences . ( 1 )…
20. Identify the incorrect statement about growth and development . ( 1 ) Growth denotes quantitative changes , while development refers to qualitative changes . ( 2 ) Growth is a function of the environment . ( 3 ) Growth is not possible without development , and vice – versa . ( 4 ) Growth is governed by intrinsic and genetic factors .
20. Identify the incorrect statement about growth and development . ( 1 ) Growth denotes quantitative…