3. Which one of the following represents the domain of ‘evaluating’ in Bloom’s revised taxonomy? (1) Creating a graph or chart using data. (2) Judging the logical consistency of a solution. (3) Evaluating the pertinence of the data provided. (4) Formulating a new way of categorizing objects.

3. Which one of the following represents the domain of ‘evaluating’ in Bloom’s revised taxonomy?

(1) Creating a graph or chart using data.

(2) Judging the logical consistency of a solution.

(3) Evaluating the pertinence of the data provided.

(4) Formulating a new way of categorizing objects.

Ans- (2)Judging the logical consistency of a solution.

Reason:- Bloom’s taxonomy was created in 1956 under the leadership of educational psychologist Dr. Ben jamin Bloom in order to promote higher forms of thinking in educa tion, such as analyzing and evaluating ing concepts, processes, proce dures and principles, rather than just remembering facts (rote learn ing). It is most often used when signing educational trainings and learning programs.

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